Items tagged with Access

World TB Day 2020: It's Time To End TB! (post with simple image)

WHO advocacy and communications package to support awareness building and drive action across all levels, in the lead up to and on World TB Day.

TAG statement on the high price of Cepheid’s Xpert test for COVID-19 (post with simple image)

Cepheid is profiteering during a pandemic, with dangerous consequences for countries with vulnerable populations and health systems.

Civil society call for equitable and affordable access to COVID-19 and related diagnostics (post with simple image)

Advocates call for a higher level of global coordination, transparency, and accountability to ensure sustainable and equitable access to testing.

Stop TB Partnership and Johnson & Johnson announce price reduction for bedaquiline (post with simple image)

Stop TB Partnership and Johnson & Johnson, with support from USAID and the Global Fund, announce price reduction for bedaquiline for treatment of drug-resistant TB in low- and middle-income countries.

Johnson & Johnson TB drug price reduction is important step, and governments need to urgently scale up better treatment (post with simple image)

120,707 people signed petitions urging the corporation to drop the price.

Treatment Action Group statement on bedaquiline unaffordability (post with simple image)

Bedaquiline is a public good, and must be treated as such. Johnson & Johnson once again refused to meet evidence-based demands to price bedaquiline at $1/day.

TB CAB Statement (post with simple image)

TB CAB Access Considerations Statement Regarding Johnson & Johnson Announcement of Bedaquiline Price Reduction

TAG policy brief: Advancing Access through Market Interventions (post with simple image)

Lessons Learned from the GeneXpert Tuberculosis Test Buy-Down

Public investment in bedaquiline up to five-fold that of Johnson & Johnson (post with simple image)

PLOS ONE publishes TAG’s rigorous, peer-reviewed calculation of investments in the development of this life-saving TB medicine.

Paediatric HIV & TB: Rome Action Plan (post with simple image)

EGPAF, WHO, PEPFAR, UNAIDS, Stop TB Partnership and FBOs: World Children’s Day statement on advances in access to paediatric HIV and TB diagnosis and treatments

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