Items tagged with Access

The rejection of the bedaquiline patent opposition in Indonesia raises the risk of difficulty in accessing optimal TB therapy (post with simple image)

The patent opposition was submitted by the Indonesia AIDS Coalition and Indonesia for Global Justice in November 2022 and was rejected by a decision from the Judiciary Panel on 9 November 2023.

What will it take to end TB? (post with simple image)

A story tells how the endTB project has improved TB care through a series of scientific studies while pushing the boundaries of what’s thought possible: in clinical trials, in epidemiology, and in the thinking about where you can do the science required to deliver world-class health care where it’s needed most.

Community consensus on the earlier inclusion of pregnant women and persons in TB research (post with simple image)

A consensus statement provides a framework for ensuring that pregnant and breastfeeding women and persons are better served by TB research and can fully benefit from scientific advancements in the prevention and treatment of TB.

Time for $5 Coalition launches global petition targeting medical test maker Cepheid and parent corporation Danaher (post with simple image)

TB advocates protest outside the headquarters of Danaher in Washington, DC, demanding price drop to $5 per test.

Mid-campaign report highlights what’s needed to win better, shorter TB treatments for all by end of 2024 (post with simple image)

With less than a year to go until the 1/4/6x24 Campaign deadline, the Getting Better Faster: Delivering on the Promise of New TB Treatments report outlines both progress made and remaining gaps toward achieving 1/4/6x24.

Three wins needed to deliver new TB vaccines this decade (post with simple image)

The TB Vax ARM outlines three key advocacy wins for the field to achieve by 2026 in order to effectively advance TB vaccine development. Check them out and sign a petition to show your support!

Community statement: Introduction of child-friendly formulation of rifapentine for short-course TB preventive treatment (post with simple image)

Safeguarding children against TB takes center stage with introduction of child-friendly formulation of rifapentine for short-course TB preventive treatment.

Urgent call for Europe to improve treatment access for TB (post with simple image)

Many TB medicines and formulations accessible in lower- and middle-income countries remain unaffordable or unavailable in Europe.

Danaher continues to charge exorbitant prices for lifesaving medical tests despite urgent demands for price reductions by several Ministries of Health (post with simple image)

Officials from several Ministries of Health have written to Danaher requesting that the price of the tests for XDR-TB, HIV and hepatitis — currently priced at $14.90 per test cartridge — also be lowered to no more than $7.97. 

TAG calls on Danaher to drop the prices of GeneXpert tests and make the cost audit public (post with simple image)

TAG calls on Danaher to lower the price of GeneXpert tests for TB and other diseases to $5 each and to commit to public transparency of the cost audit of Xpert MTB/RIF Ultra.
SIGN the Time for $5 Campaign petition!

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