Items tagged with Treatment

Global Drug Facility update on access to bedaquiline (post with simple image)

Global Drug Facility announces an agreement with Johnson & Johnson for access to affordable generic versions of bedaquiline; Treatment Action Group, Médecins Sans Frontières and Partners in Health release statements in response to the agreement.

Open letter to Johnson & Johnson requesting clarification on the recent deal on generic bedaquiline supply (post with simple image)

Advocates call for clarity on the terms of the Johnson & Johnson's deal with the Stop TB Partnership’s Global Drug Facility to supply generic bedaquiline.

Global Drug Facility announces price reductions up to 55% for bedaquiline (post with simple image)

The new prices are valid through December 2024 and present price reductions up to 55% compared to the previous price of US$289 for a 6-month treatment course of bedaquiline.

Two TB CAB position papers published in Public Health Action (post with simple image)

Two position papers, developed by the Global TB Community Advisory Board (TB CAB), are published in the September 2023 issue of Public Health Action.

At this week’s UN General Assembly High-Level Meeting on TB, the 1/4/6×24 Campaign calls on political leaders to take urgent action for equitable access to shorter, safer TB regimens (post with simple image)

Ahead of the UN General Assembly High-Level Meeting on TB, the 1/4/6×24 Campaign is sounding the alarm that the political declaration commits neither the funding nor the actions needed to expand access to the best-available TB regimens and diagnostics.

Open letters to Johnson & Johnson requesting equitable access to bedaquiline (post with simple image)

Ukraine, Belarus, Azerbaijan and Moldova demand that Johnson & Johnson take urgent action to improve equitable access to bedaquiline in all countries with a high burden of TB.

Johnson & Johnson confirms intent not to enforce patents for SIRTURO® (bedaquiline) for the treatment of multidrug-resistant TB in 134 low- and middle-income countries (post with simple image)

The decision is intended to assure current and future generic manufacturers that they may manufacture and sell generic versions of SIRTURO® without a concern that the Company will enforce its bedaquiline patents, provided the generic versions of SIRTURO® are of good quality, medically acceptable, and are used only in the 134 low- and middle-income countries.

Johnson & Johnson pricing agreement for critical TB drug still unfairly restricts access in countries where the need is greatest (post with simple image)

Unitaid calls on Johnson & Johnson to drop secondary patents for the drug-resistant TB medicine bedaquiline, and to make negotiated rates with the Stop TB Partnership’s Global Drug Facility available to all countries, regardless of how they purchase drugs.

Target Regimen Profiles for TB treatment and Target Product Profiles for TB tests (post with simple image)

The World Health Organization releases updated Target Regimen Profiles for TB treatment and new Target Product Profiles for tests for TB treatment monitoring and optimization.

An Activist’s Guide to Shorter Treatment for Drug-Resistant TB (post with simple image)

This new resource lays out what activists need to know about the new drug-resistant TB treatment regimens, and equips them with actions they can take and arguments they can use to advocate for access to those regimens.

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