Items tagged with TB programs

Updates required to the National TB guidelines to support access to shorter regimens as a human right in India (post with simple image)

Advocates demand that the Indian government take urgent action to ensure that every eligible person with TB has access to evidence-based, short-course treatment regimens.

GCTA report launched: Innovative TB Community Service Delivery during the COVID-19 Pandemic (post with simple image)

Innovative TB Community Service Delivery during the COVID-19 Pandemic: Best Practices and Lessons Learned from Cambodia, India, Indonesia, and Kenya

Communication to facilitate initiation and launch of MAF-TB at the country level (post with simple image)

TB Europe Coalition publication: Why is the multisectoral accountability framework to end TB (MAF-TB) so important in the fight against TB and what audiences should be engaged in its launch?

WHO’s operational handbook on TB infection prevention and control (post with simple image)

The World Health Organization releases an operational handbook on TB infection prevention and control, providing practical advice to complement its evidence-based guidelines.

WHO European Region: Data collection guide - indicators for meaningful involvement of civil society in TB response (post with simple image)

TB Europe Coalition releases a guide explaining the whole data collection process for four new indicators of the WHO Regional Office for Europe regarding the meaningful involvement of civil society in TB response.

Evidence and research gaps identified during development of policy guidelines for TB, 2nd edition (post with simple image)

WHO publishes a document summarizing evidence gaps articulated in various WHO TB policy guidance to help steer innovation towards sustainable public health interventions required to end TB.

WHO and ILO join forces to release new guidance on social protection for people affected by TB (post with simple image)

The guidance includes approaches to expanding the coverage, quality and impact of existing social protection programs to people affected by TB.

Activists call on South African government to make TB a political priority (post with simple image)

TB activists call for the disease to be made a political priority in the country and demand multisectoral departmental accountability.

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