Items tagged with TB programs

India: Pilot project initiated to detect TB in children (post)

CHENNAI: For most tubercolosis patients and their families, their health is often put to test by their countless visits to hospitals and scan centres. In the end, many may be diagnosed early as having the dreaded bacteria, but several others with the infection — most of them children.

Ukraine needs to find innovative ways to increase impact: Global Fund (post)

The Global Fund expects Ukraine to do more with less.

Childhood TB: symptom-based contact screening safe, reliable (post)

From total neglect till a few years ago, childhood TB is now taking centrestage. A couple of days back, the WHO released an updated guidance for national TB programmes (NTPs) on the management of tuberculosis in children.

Government of India and World Bank sign $100 million agreement for accelerating universal access to early and effective tuberculosis care in India (post)

The project will contribute to the care of about 3.1 million TB patients, increase treatment for MDR-TB to 40,000 patients annually, and reach 90,000 pediatric TB cases annually

WHO/Europe: Review of the Tuberculosis Programme in Kosovo (post)

The notification rate of tuberculosis cases in Kosovo (in accordance with United Nations Security Council Resolution 1244 [1999]) is among the highest in south-east Europe. WHO was asked to organize a review of the Kosovo Tuberculosis Programme, which took place from 22 to 26 April 2013.

WHO’s goal to eradicate tuberculosis draws attention to Canadian challenges (post)

The World Health Organization is ramping up its efforts to wipe out tuberculosis in countries with low rates of active TB by setting a goal of eradicating the disease by 2050 in 33 countries, including Canada.

India: Study finds doctors also adding to burden of drug-resistant TB cases (post)

PUNE: It is not just the patients who default on treatment, but also private doctors who are to blame for the rise in drug-resistant cases of tuberculosis.

US: There is no health crisis from immigrant children at the border (post)

John Armstrong, Florida’s top health official, sent a letter last month to the heads of the Department of Health and Human Services and the Federal Emergency Management Agency — taking the extra step of copying the media — requesting that they tell him how many of the children who recently crossed the U.S. border from Mexico are in Florida and what illnesses they have. In asserting that this information was “urgently needed and is vital to guarding the health and safety of Florida communities, ” Armstrong fanned anxieties that the influx of children from Central and South America poses a large-scale threat to public health.

Tajikistan launches its national Stop TB Partnership (post)

4 August 2014 – Dushanbe, Tajikistan – An event to inaugurate the national Stop TB Partnership in Tajikistan took place on 30 July in Dushanbe.

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