Items tagged with HIV coinfection

Report: ECAB meeting on HIV/TB coinfection, May 17-19, 2013 (post)

The purpose of the report, based on the TB ECAB (European Community Advisory Board) meeting held in Brussels between May 17-19, 2013 is to inform ECAB and community advocates on HIV/TB treatment, care and research advocacy, in order to increase the capacity of the ECAB members and partners to get further involved in TB drugs, diagnostics development and access, and to identify key advocacy priorities.

USAID details TB work, results, continuing challenges in “Impact and Leadership” for 2013 (post)

By the time Azmara Ashenafi’s multidrug-resistant tuberculosis was diagnosed, she had been wasting away, coughing and running fevers for three years. She had been on ineffective treatment for six months. Her three-year-old son had drug-resistant TB as well.

CDC: Updated guidelines on managing drug interactions in the treatment of HIV-related tuberculosis (post)

Guidelines for managing pharmacologic interactions that can result when patients receive antiretroviral drugs for treatment of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection together with rifamycin antibiotics for treatment of tuberculosis (TB) have been published previously (1–4). Newly updated guidelines, developed by CDC in collaboration with experts from other key national and international institutions, are now available at

C-reactive protein could identify more HIV+ eligible for anti-TB IPT (post)

A point-of-care test for C-reactive protein (POC-CRP) greatly increased the proportion of HIV-positive Ugandan adults eligible for isoniazid preventive therapy (IPT) compared with the standard World Health Organization (WHO) symptom screen. POC-CRP would also decrease the proportion of HIV patients who need referral for further TB diagnostic testing.

Better late than never: Efavirenz dose optimization (post)

After a study suggests that we’ve been using too high a dose of efavirenz for a decade and a half, the move toward scaling up a lower and more cost-effective one faces some hurdles

South Africa: AIDS deaths still too high, says expert (post)

Cape Town - Africans on antiretroviral drugs are still dying of HIV and Aids because of programme issues and clinical conditions, a University of Cape Town infectious diseases physician said on Thursday.

Gaining perspective from performing HIV/M. tuberculosis co-infection research in South Africa (post)

American post doc Collin Diedrich shares his experience researching M. tuberculosis/HIV co-infection in South Africa.

PaMZ drug combination: a game changer for TB and MDR-TB treatment (post)

A novel drug combination (PaMZ) designed to treat both drug-sensitive and MDR-TB, including those who are HIV positive, is advancing to the crucial Phase III human clinical trial. If all goes well, the three-drug combination therapy will be a game changer for tuberculosis treatment. Among other things, the less toxic regimen cuts down the duration of MDR-TB treatment from 18-24 months to six months, and reduces the number of pills by 97 per cent. MDR-TB treatment is likely to be 90 per cent cheaper.

High rate of undiagnosed TB in Cape Town HIV patients with anemia (post)

Anemia independently predicted tuberculosis among HIV-positive Cape Town patients not taking antiretroviral therapy. Sensitivities of TB diagnostic assays were much higher in people with moderate or severe anemia than in those with mild or no anemia.

Lab-confirmed HIV rate 33% among Kenyans with prior tuberculosis (post)

Among Kenyans with prior tuberculosis, one third had lab-confirmed HIV infection, according to results of a nationally representative survey. Adult HIV prevalence stood at 5.6%.

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