Items tagged with HIV coinfection

TB therapy has no effect on virologic or CD4 response to ART (post)

People being treated for tuberculosis achieved virologic and CD4 responses to antiretroviral therapy (ART) similar to people not being treated for TB, according to results of a 25-study systematic review and meta-analysis.

SA's TB rate among the highest in the world (post)

South Africa has one of the highest tuberculosis (TB) incidence rates in the world, with 993 people out of 100 000 living with the disease. This is according to the latest South Africa Survey, published by the South African Institute of Race Relations (IRR) in Johannesburg last week.

Lesotho achieves sustainable financing for procurement of TB drugs (post)

February 17 - Lesotho/Geneva - Lesotho has become one of the first Low Middle Income Countries from the African region to be able to make a transition into self-financing, for the procurement of adult first line drugs for tuberculosis without further dependence on a grant from the Global Drug Facility.

Baylor international HIV/AIDS program to study genetic differences of disease in sub-Saharan African children (post)

A $3 million, three-year grant from the National Institutes of Health will enable researchers from the Baylor International Pediatric AIDS Initiative at Texas Children’s Hospital to study the genetic factors that affect the progression of tuberculosis and HIV in one of the largest populations infected with the diseases yet to be studied– children in sub-Saharan Africa.

Treating tuberculosis and AIDS together saves lives (post)

Patients who have multi-drug-resistant tuberculosis and AIDS are more likely to live if they get simultaneous treatment for both diseases rather than waiting weeks to start the AIDS treatment, a new study has found.

13-country trial finds low-dose efavirenz as effective as standard (post)

Virologic response at 48 weeks was similar with 400 mg of efavirenz daily and the standard 600 mg daily in a double-blind randomized trial involving antiretroviral-naive people in 13 countries across the world. Safety was better with the lower dose.

Integration of TB and HIV programs in high burden countries both necessary and beneficial, experts say (post)

Forty-one countries will from 2014 be required by the Global Fund to submit joint TB-HIV concept notes under the new funding model in what experts in both fields consider to be necessary and beneficial but also challenging to implement.

Malawi’s CCM adds new TB voices ahead of integrated concept note development (post)

Malawi’s preparations to develop an integrated HIV/TB concept note required under the new funding model have included the election on 12 February of two new members to its country coordination mechanism (CCM) with roots in the TB community.

The Union’s TB CARE project lights up TB-HIV clinics in Zimbabwe with solar power (post)

The introduction of solar power in 23 clinics offering TB-HIV integrated services with support from The Union Zimbabwe Office has greatly improved the efficiency and effectiveness of these health facilities. Clinic activities ranging from the refrigeration of vaccines to patient recordkeeping are no longer disrupted by power cuts, thanks to the new solar panels.

Zimbabwe PHC clinics cascade TB-HIV care successfully: The story of Phakama Clinic (post)

Phakama Clinic is one of the 23 urban clinics supported since 2012 through The Union’s TB CARE project in 17 urban areas of Zimbabwe. Located in a high-density suburb of the City of Gwanda, provincial capital of Matabeleland South Province, Phakama Clinic is the only one participating in the project that is run by the local authority.

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