Items tagged with CRAG
Letter from community groups to regulators regarding bedaquiline phase III trial design (post with simple image)
Several community groups express concerns regarding the STREAM stage II trial design for bedaquiline approval.
Open letter to South African Medical Schemes re: covering linezolid (post with simple image)
Several organizations and individuals working on TB are concerned that some medical schemes may be refusing to cover the cost of linezolid for drug-resistant tuberculosis.
CRAG: A Protocol Review Companion for Activists (post with simple image)
The document is designed to facilitate community reviews of clinical trials protocols and to ensure community participation in protocol development.
Real engagement with communities (post with simple image)
The affected communities should no longer be passive recipients of care but valuable partners with decision-making power in choices and policies that affect them.
Inclusion of rifapentine in the Global Drug Facility catalogue (post with simple image)
The Community Research Advisors Group urges Sanofi to submit a bid for rifapentine to be included in the Stop TB Partnership's Global Drug Facility catalogue.
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