Items tagged with Vaccines

Blessina Kumar's speech at the 5th Global Forum on TB Vaccines (post with simple image)

Blessina Kumar's speech on behalf of the TB community delivered at the 5th Global Forum on TB Vaccines, New Delhi, India, 20 February 2018.

2018 TAG Pipeline Report (post with simple image)

TAG’s annual Pipeline Report: Promising new HIV, TB & HCV drugs and diagnostics.

TB CAB statement on M72/AS01E TB vaccine candidate development (post with simple image)

Statement by the Global TB Community Advisory Board to the High-level consultation on accelerating the development of the M72/AS01E tuberculosis vaccine candidate

TAG’s 2019 Pipeline Report: Three TB sections released (post with simple image)

The sections provide an overview of TB diagnostics, vaccines and treatment.

TAG statement on BCG vaccine and COVID-19 (post with simple image)

More research required to determine if century-old TB vaccine protects against SARS-CoV-2 infection or severe COVID-19 disease.

TAG's 2020 Pipeline Report: TB chapters released (post with simple image)

Treatment Action Group (TAG) launches newly available TB chapters of its 2020 Pipeline Report.

‘Catastrophic moral failure’: Stop TB Partnership joins WHO Director-General’s warning on COVID-19 vaccines (post with simple image)

Lack of access to COVID-19 vaccines for people in the world’s poorest countries echoes the health inequity faced by people affected by TB.

Global roadmap for TB vaccine development launched (post with simple image)

The Roadmap identifies priorities for the development and implementation of new TB vaccines with the aim to coordinate and accelerate global action.

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