Items tagged with Global TB response

Report: TB Research Funding Trends 2005-2022 (post with simple image)

TB research and development funding perilously off track of UN commitments to end TB by 2030.

Country share of global 2023 UNHLM targets (post with simple image)

The Stop TB Partnership releases the estimated country shares of global targets committed in the Political declaration of the UN High-Level Meeting on TB, held in September 2023.

Stop TB Partnership announces the Legal Environment and Human Rights Scorecard (post with simple image)

The Scorecard aims to enhance visibility and multisectoral accountability regarding legal, policy and human rights barriers experienced by people affected by TB.

Evidence and research gaps identified during development of policy guidelines for TB, 2nd edition (post with simple image)

WHO publishes a document summarizing evidence gaps articulated in various WHO TB policy guidance to help steer innovation towards sustainable public health interventions required to end TB.

Lindsay McKenna: What does it mean to be a good activist? (post with simple image)

At the 2023 Union Conference, TAG's Lindsay McKenna sat down with Denis Godlevsky of ITPC EECA for a wide-ranging discussion on TB research, activism, and TAG's historic + present role shaping both.

TB advocacy resource: A Different Kind of Gap (post with simple image)

ACTON releases an advocacy tool exploring what funding gaps in the Global Fund’s Grant Cycle 7 mean for the fight against TB and what happens if they are not filled.

World TB Day 2024 campaign toolkit (post with simple image)

The Stop TB Partnership releases the campaign toolkit for this year’s 'Yes! We Can End TB' World TB Day campaign on 24 March 2024.

World TB Day 2024 campaign (post with simple image)

On World TB Day, WHO is calling for action on several fronts to ensure that the commitments made to end TB are achieved. WHO releases an advocacy and communications World TB Day campaign package.

Stigma kills: Why medicine alone won’t end TB (post with simple image)

Results UK’s new advocacy report presents the case for adopting a whole of society approach to ending TB, focused on addressing the underlying social causes of TB alongside curing the physical disease.

WHO: World TB Day newsletter (post with simple image)

On World TB Day, WHO is calling for action on several fronts to ensure that the commitments made to end TB are achieved. A special newsletter edition compiles all WHO advocacy activities and key resources released in the lead-up to World TB Day.

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