Items tagged with Drug-resistant TB
Price announced for new lifesaving TB drug pretomanid still too high (post with simple image)
Pretomanid is just one part of a regimen of multiple drugs that people need. MSF has been calling for the price of a complete DR-TB treatment course to be no higher than $500 per person.
Are pretomanid-containing regimens for TB a victory or a victory narrative? (post with simple image)
"Given the evidence base available to us currently, can we claim pretomanid a victory? We think more research is needed before pretomanid can be celebrated as a promising treatment for people with tuberculosis."
ATS, CDC, ERS and IDSA publish new clinical guideline for the treatment and prevention of drug-resistant TB (post with simple image)
New guideline emphasizes treatment of drug-resistant TB with all-oral regimens and provides recommendations for treatment of all contacts to multidrug-resistant TB patients.
TB Alliance responds to questions raised by activists in relation to pretomanid (post with simple image)
MSF, TAG and TB CAB raised a number of outstanding medical and research questions regarding pretomanid and the regimen BPaL.
WHO announces changes to the treatment of drug-resistant TB (post with simple image)
WHO releases a Rapid Communication in advance of the updated guidelines for the treatment of drug-resistant TB expected in 2020.
MSF calls on Johnson & Johnson to lower price of lifesaving TB drug (post with simple image)
Group protests at New York Stock Exchange as Johnson & Johnson releases earnings report.
WHO urges countries to enable access to fully-oral drug-resistant TB treatment regimens (post with simple image)
WHO releases updated guidelines for the treatment of drug-resistant TB.
Stop TB Partnership and Johnson & Johnson announce price reduction for bedaquiline (post with simple image)
Stop TB Partnership and Johnson & Johnson, with support from USAID and the Global Fund, announce price reduction for bedaquiline for treatment of drug-resistant TB in low- and middle-income countries.
Johnson & Johnson TB drug price reduction is important step, and governments need to urgently scale up better treatment (post with simple image)
120,707 people signed petitions urging the corporation to drop the price.
Treatment Action Group statement on bedaquiline unaffordability (post with simple image)
Bedaquiline is a public good, and must be treated as such. Johnson & Johnson once again refused to meet evidence-based demands to price bedaquiline at $1/day.
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