Items tagged with Diagnostics

Reduced price and increased access to Cepheid’s TB test (post with simple image)

Global Fund, Stop TB Partnership and USAID announce new collaboration with Danaher to reduce price and increase access to Cepheid’s TB test. Five million additional tests can be procured with this lower price.

Target Regimen Profiles for TB treatment and Target Product Profiles for TB tests (post with simple image)

The World Health Organization releases updated Target Regimen Profiles for TB treatment and new Target Product Profiles for tests for TB treatment monitoring and optimization.

TAG's 2023 Pipeline Report: TB Diagnostics (post with simple image)

Treatment Action Group launches the 2023 Tuberculosis Diagnostics Pipeline Report.

Technical brief: Access to TB testing and treatments: GeneXpert and delamanid (post with simple image)

Médecins Sans Frontières issues a report offering case studies of two critical TB tools, GeneXpert and delamanid, and outlining actions that the corporations making them need to take to unlock access to these tools.

New guidance documents to support implementation of next generation sequencing to detect DR-TB (post with simple image)

The World Health Organization issues two new guidance documents to support implementation of next generation sequencing to detect drug-resistant TB.

Diagnosing paediatric TB: Challenges and needs (post with simple image)

Médecins Sans Frontières releases a factsheet outlining the current scenario of diagnosing TB in children and making recommendations to test developers for needed improvements.

Time for $5 Coalition launches global petition targeting medical test maker Cepheid and parent corporation Danaher (post with simple image)

TB advocates protest outside the headquarters of Danaher in Washington, DC, demanding price drop to $5 per test.

Danaher continues to charge exorbitant prices for lifesaving medical tests despite urgent demands for price reductions by several Ministries of Health (post with simple image)

Officials from several Ministries of Health have written to Danaher requesting that the price of the tests for XDR-TB, HIV and hepatitis — currently priced at $14.90 per test cartridge — also be lowered to no more than $7.97. 

TAG calls on Danaher to drop the prices of GeneXpert tests and make the cost audit public (post with simple image)

TAG calls on Danaher to lower the price of GeneXpert tests for TB and other diseases to $5 each and to commit to public transparency of the cost audit of Xpert MTB/RIF Ultra.
SIGN the Time for $5 Campaign petition!

MSF and partners protest medical test maker Cepheid and Danaher at International AIDS Conference (post with simple image)

Time for $5 Campaign demands Cepheid reduce price of HIV, TB and hepatitis C tests to $5 each.

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