Items tagged with Advocacy
The Union Conference: Civil society sponsored registration (post with simple image)
100 sponsored registrations will be offered to civil society members, individuals involved in efforts to address lung health, and survivors of TB. Deadline for application: 25 July 2023
Urgent action necessary for equitable access to bedaquiline in all countries with high burdens of TB, MDR-TB, and TB/HIV (post with simple image)
Advocates demand that Johnson & Johnson commit to non-enforcement of secondary patent on bedaquiline so that access to generic, quality-assured bedaquiline is guaranteed after the primary patent expires on 18 July 2023.
Global Drug Facility update on access to bedaquiline (post with simple image)
Global Drug Facility announces an agreement with Johnson & Johnson for access to affordable generic versions of bedaquiline; Treatment Action Group, Médecins Sans Frontières and Partners in Health release statements in response to the agreement.
An Activist’s Protocol Review Toolkit (post with simple image)
A toolkit, developed by Treatment Action Group, is designed to facilitate community participation in the development and review of clinical trials protocols.
Accountability to end TB: A global responsibility (post with simple image)
A report, released by RESULTS UK, makes the case for accountability within the global TB response, highlighting the lack of progress against the 2018 global commitments and the role of accountability within these commitments.
Open letter to Johnson & Johnson requesting clarification on the recent deal on generic bedaquiline supply (post with simple image)
Advocates call for clarity on the terms of the Johnson & Johnson's deal with the Stop TB Partnership’s Global Drug Facility to supply generic bedaquiline.
Six-week campaign for the High-Level Meeting on TB (post with simple image)
The campaign calls for high-level participation in the 22 September meeting, and strong and ambitious commitments by all Heads of State and Governments.
Global Drug Facility announces price reductions up to 55% for bedaquiline (post with simple image)
The new prices are valid through December 2024 and present price reductions up to 55% compared to the previous price of US$289 for a 6-month treatment course of bedaquiline.
Two TB CAB position papers published in Public Health Action (post with simple image)
Two position papers, developed by the Global TB Community Advisory Board (TB CAB), are published in the September 2023 issue of Public Health Action.
Information note: New fair share funding targets for TB research 0.1% -> 0.15% (post with simple image)
Treatment Action Group releases an updated Information note providing details on the new 0.15% fair share funding targets for TB research.
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