Lindsay McKenna

Ending TB suffering and deaths in children

Lindsay McKenna, TB Project Co-Director at Treatment Action Group, gives an overview of the recent advances in the management of TB in children, and elaborates what needs to be done to meet the 2022 targets set in the 2018 UN High-Level Meeting political declaration to end TB suffering and deaths in children.

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Are pretomanid-containing regimens for TB a victory or a victory narrative?

"Given the evidence base available to us currently, can we claim pretomanid a victory? We think more research is needed before pretomanid can be celebrated as a promising treatment for people with tuberculosis."

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The FDA’s concession conundrum

Can regulatory incentives promote responsible TB drug development?

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Improving outcomes for adolescents with drug-resistant tuberculosis

Dear Editor,

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Punked by pharma: Public funds for private products

Tax dollars are making it easier for the drug and diagnostics industry to develop and market essential TB products. Is the public getting a fair return on its investment?  

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Urgency needed in the global response to drug-resistant tuberculosis

In the second of two linked posts (you can read the first one here), Lindsay McKenna and Colleen Daniels of Treatment Action Group (TAG) describe the importance of access to timely diagnosis and appropriate treatment for patients with drug-resistant tuberculosis and demand that urgency be returned to the global DR-TB response.

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U.S.: An obligatory overhaul to address domestic TB drug shortages

Drug shortages, especially of tuberculosis (TB) drugs, have become increasingly common in the United States. Over the past year alone, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has reported shortages (also referred to as stock-outs or supply interruptions) of various TB products including second-line injectables (capreomycin and amikacin), required to fight drug-resistant TB (DR-TB)­, and tubersol and aplisol, important products for TB diagnosis.

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