Treatment Action Group

TAG, TB CAB open letter to Sequella

Re: Further research into sutezolid urgently needed for tuberculosis

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TAG, TB CAB, India CAB open letter to Immunoshop

Re: Marketing and use of TB Platinum for active TB in India and high TB burden countries

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Open letter to Sanofi: Reduce rifapentine cost and increase research funding

Leading doctors, advocacy groups, medical organizations and U.S. TB programs call upon Sanofi to lower the price of rifapentine to ensure its accessibility and continue and expand its investments in the development of the drug for active TB.

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HIV i-Base/TAG: 2013 Pipeline Report

Survey shows HIV pipeline healthy, HCV drug development surging, while TB research moves forward much too slowly; Faster research, approval, and access demanded.

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TAG, TB CAB, India CAB open letter to Qiagen

Re: Marketing and use of QuantiFERON-TB Gold for active TB in India and high TB burden countries

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Treatment Action Group: tagline Spring 2013

The Spring 2013 issue of tagline contains three articles about TB research:

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Children with drug-resistant tuberculosis require urgent attention

Research and access required to achieve zero deaths, new infections, and suffering

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TAG: Public comment

Re: Urgent recommendations to address and resolve ongoing shortages of tuberculosis drugs in the United States

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TB CAB, TAG open letter to Janssen regarding the FDA approval of bedaquiline

Determining a fair and affordable price of bedaquiline is essential for timely approval and appropriate domestic and global access to the best possible therapeutic options for people with DR-TB.

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New group connects TB and MDR-TB survivors and patients

Together with the website Take That TB, Treatment Action Group has created a listserv to connect TB and MDR-TB survivors and patients interested in conducting advocacy and connecting with others in this community.

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