Michael Smith

Add antimicrobials to cut death risk in advanced HIV

For people with advanced HIV, enhanced antimicrobial prophylaxis significantly reduces the chance of death for any cause in the months after starting antiretroviral therapy, researchers reported.

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CDC: TB news good and bad

On the eve of World TB Day, the CDC says there is good news and bad news about tuberculosis in the U.S.

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Can a urine test identify TB?

SAN DIEGO -- A substance found in urine appears able to distinguish between people with and without tuberculosis, a researcher said here.

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Smells like tuberculosis? Sensor study suggests breath samples might reveal disease

SAN DIEGO -- "Smell technology" might improve the diagnosis of pulmonary and extrapulmonary tuberculosis (TB) around the world, a researcher said here.

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Short course in latent TB matches standard treatment

Short courses of rifamycin-containing treatment regimens prevented active tuberculosis (TB) as well as standard monotherapy did, researchers reported.

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Short TB regimens fall flat

Two short treatment regimens for tuberculosis failed to match the standard 6 months of therapy in efficacy.

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Drug efficacious in MDR-TB

A tuberculosis (TB) drug with a questionable safety profile increased the rate of sputum culture conversion in people with multidrug-resistant (MDR) disease, researchers reported.

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Short latent TB therapy matches standard care

Short courses of rifamycin-containing treatment regimens prevented active tuberculosis as well as standard monotherapy did, researchers reported.

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TB prevention trial fails

Preventive tuberculosis therapy had no lasting effect on TB incidence among South African gold miners -- a group hard-hit by the disease, researchers reported.

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South Africa: XDR-TB spreading as uncured patients go home

Extensively drug-resistant tuberculosis (XDR-TB) appears to be spreading in South Africa, fueled by patients who are discharged despite failing therapy, researchers reported.

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