Brochure for communities: How to Protect Ourselves from TB

The Global Coalition of TB Activists (GCTA) and the World Health Organization Regional Office for South-East Asia released a community friendly brochure on How to Protect Ourselves from TB.

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GCTA at The Union Conference


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Protestors demand Cepheid halve the price of GeneXpert TB tests to US$5

The high cost of GeneXpert tests for TB leaves open a critical gap in the diagnosis of TB and fails to consider volume of sales and public investments in the development of GeneXpert.

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Webinar: Advancements in TB diagnostics

The Global Coalition of TB Activists (GCTA) and FIND will host a webinar on advancements in TB diagnostics on 26 September 2019.

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Childhood TB and stigma

A book telling the powerful stories of 13 child tuberculosis (TB) survivors and their families was launched today (October 24) at the 49th Union World Conference, to raise awareness of childhood TB and stigma.

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Activists: Call on your countries to use bedaquiline-based regimens to treat TB

The Global Coalition of TB Activists (GCTA), Treatment Action Group (TAG) and the DR-TB Scale-Up Treatment Action Team (DR-TB STAT) developed a letter template to help activists call for bedaquiline-based, injectable-free regimens for the treatment of drug-resistant TB in their countries.

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GCTA Community Chitter Chatter on TB stigma in children

Chinmay Modi, a young man of 25 years from India, living openly with HIV, struggled to get a correct diagnosis for TB for one and a half years before he was finally diagnosed with TB in his lymph nodes when he was 15. He took TB treatment for a year and today he is a strong TB/HIV advocate.

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Women & Stigma: Conversations of Resilience in the War Against TB

The Global Coalition of TB Activists launches a book featuring stories of women TB survivors from all over the world.

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WATCH VIDEO: 6 hours to 6 minutes - A glance of the Interactive Civil Society Hearing

First-ever Interactive Civil Society Hearing to prepare the UN High-Level Meeting on TB took place on 4 June 2018 at the UN Headquarters in New York.

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Union Conference Community space competition

The Community Advisory Panel to The International Union Against Tuberculosis and Lung Disease (Union Community Advisory Panel, U-CAP) launched a competition for the name of the Community space at the Union conferences in order to make it more attractive, interesting and vibrant.

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