TB advocates

Urgent need to make linezolid available in South Africa at affordable price

TB advocates urge pharmaceutical companies to register their respective linezolid products in South Africa and make them available at an affordable price.

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Urgent need to register quality generic versions of linezolid in South Africa

TB advocates request that the South African Medicines Control Council prioritize registration of quality-assured versions of generic linezolid for the treatment of drug-resistant TB.

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Urgent need to scale up access to new treatment options for MDR-TB in the Philippines

Given the urgent need to address the MDR-TB epidemic in the Philippines, advocates urge for rapid delivery of the new treatment options to people with MDR-TB.

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TB case detection in India: Urgent need to scale up Rapid TB Test Machines and cartridges

Advocates call for the immediate scale up of rapid, cartridge-based nucleic acid amplification tests, such as GeneXpert MTB/RIF, to detect TB disease and rifampicin resistance.

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ACTION ALERT: Urge Johns Hopkins University to accelerate important TB innovation & keep it accessible for all

Take Action for TB Today! Sign and share this petition now: https://uaem.wufoo.com/forms/z1dxtbgq0ieib3a/

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Prioritizing human rights in the Global Plan to Stop TB 2016-2020

TB advocates call for a more meaningful integration of human rights into the Global Plan.

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