
Call for WHO rosters of consultants for TB affected community and civil society

The Regional Office for Europe of the World Health Organization (WHO) invites representatives of the TB affected community and civil society to apply for the WHO rosters of consultants for future possible involvement to complement the impact analysis of the TB progress at the country level through participation in National TB Program Reviews.

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WHO launches online course to improve diagnosis of drug-resistant TB

WHO/Europe has launched a new online course to strengthen the capacity to diagnose drug-resistant tuberculosis (DR-TB) using molecular techniques. This free course, entitled “Drug-resistant tuberculosis: how to interpret rapid molecular test results”, is available on the OpenWHO platform and includes opportunities for participants throughout the world to seek expert advice for their diagnostic questions.

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Romania: TB patients to avoid unnecessary hospitalization

Romania’s Ministry of Health has launched a pilot project to conduct the treatment of tuberculosis (TB) patients in outpatient settings, thereby avoiding unnecessary hospitalization. Launched on 9 January 2020, the project represents an important step in establishing people-centred care in the country.

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European Laboratory Initiative on TB, HIV and Viral Hepatitis sets priorities for integrated testing and diagnosis in 2020–2021

The European Laboratory Initiative on TB, HIV and Viral Hepatitis (ELI), a regional network supporting a joint, patient-centred response to the 3 diseases, has set priorities for the next 2 years to improve integrated diagnostic services.

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Time for integrated and people-centred services for HIV, TB and viral hepatitis

The international medical journal, The Lancet, has published an article demonstrating the benefits of integrated and people-centred services in responding to the rise of HIV, tuberculosis (TB) and viral hepatitis in eastern European and central Asian countries of the WHO European Region.

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WHO releases new guidance on treating drug-resistant TB in children and adolescents

WHO/Europe has released an expert opinion on managing drug-resistant tuberculosis (DR-TB) in children and adolescents, supported by a commentary in the Lancet.

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Call for applications: Experts in TB research invited to join ERI-TB core group for 2020–2022

The secretariat of the European Tuberculosis Research Initiative (ERI-TB) at WHO/Europe seeks a maximum of 12 candidates with expertise in tuberculosis (TB) research to succeed current core group members of ERI-TB. According to the terms of reference of ERI-TB, core group members are selected for a period of 2.5–3 years. The first meeting of the newly appointed core group will be held jointly with outgoing members.

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Groundbreaking pledge of United Nations agencies to end HIV, TB and viral hepatitis epidemics in Europe at high-level meeting on ending TB

For the first time, 14 United Nations agencies have joined forces to end the epidemics of HIV, tuberculosis (TB) and viral hepatitis – Europe’s deadliest communicable diseases. The commitment was demonstrated with the launch of the first-ever United Nations Common Position on Ending HIV, TB and Viral Hepatitis through Intersectoral Collaboration in the WHO European Region.

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ECDC and WHO Regional Office for Europe TB fact sheet 2018

The European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC) and the World Health Organization (WHO) Regional Office for Europe released a fact sheet, providing basic information on TB in the WHO European Region ahead of the UN High-Level Meeting on TB to be held on 26 September.

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TB services in Moscow extend “health for all” even to the most vulnerable

Karam is a 23-year-old from the Khatlon region of Tajikistan. He came to Moscow in 2015 to work in construction, and 2 years later fell ill with a high fever and headache. He felt as though he had no strength, but nevertheless tried to carry on. When his condition became so severe that he was barely conscious – a state described by his doctors as the edge of life and death – Karam’s uncle, with whom he lives, called an ambulance.

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