The Zero Declaration
The Zero Declaration is a cry for global action against TB. Read and sign on to the Declaration!
From May 30 - June 1, 2012, a group of activists, clinicians, researchers, implementers, foundation and government officials, and policy makers met in Cambridge, Massachusetts, to focus on the world's struggle against tuberculosis (TB) on achieving zero TB deaths, zero new TB infections, and zero suffering and stigma from TB. The Zero Declaration resulted from this meeting, calling for signatories to commit to zero for TB, because:
1. TB is preventable and curable.
2. The main driver of today's unnecessary TB deaths, new TB infections, and suffering and stigma is lack of political will.
3. Every country in the world has the potential to move rapidly towards achieving zero TB deaths, and ultimately, zero new TB infections, and zero TB suffering and stigma.
This declaration is a cry for global action against TB. We need a new global attitude in the fight against the disease. We need to change the way we have been thinking and working. We need to properly react against this biosocial disease of enormous and unacceptable magnitude that kills millions, unnecessarily, before our very eyes and that impoverishes and degrades the lives of millions more. We need to break with old approaches that have failed to rationally use the most effective approaches to combating the disease, and mobilize sufficient political will and resources to prevent needless transmission, sickness, and death.
Read and sign on to the Zero Declaration at!