Latest TB research publications


Predicting nitroimidazole antibiotic resistance mutations in Mycobacterium tuberculosis with protein engineering

Brendon M. Lee, Liam K. Harold, Deepak V. Almeida, Livnat Afriat-Jurnou, Htin Lin Aung, Brian M. Forde, Kiel Hards, Sacha J. Pidot, F. Hafna Ahmed, A. Elaaf Mohamed, Matthew C. Taylor, Nicholas P. West, Timothy P. Stinear, Chris Greening, Scott A. Beatson, Eric L. Nuermberger, Gregory M. Cook, Colin J. Jackson

2020-02-25  //  PLOS PATHOGENS  //  Research Article

The effect of adjuvants and delivery systems on Th1, Th2, Th17 and Treg cytokine responses in mice immunized with Mycobacterium tuberculosis-specific proteins

Hussain A. Safar, Abu Salim Mustafa, Hanady A. Amoudy, Ahmed El-Hashim

2020-02-25  //  PLOS ONE  //  Research Article

E-cigarettes: Effects in phagocytosis and cytokines response against Mycobacterium tuberculosis

Andromeda-Celeste Gómez, Pablo Rodríguez-Fernández, Raquel Villar-Hernández, Isidre Gibert, Beatriz Muriel-Moreno, Alicia Lacoma, Cristina Prat-Aymerich, Jose Domínguez

2020-02-25  //  PLOS ONE  //  Research Article

Mycobacterium tuberculosis thymidylate synthase (ThyX) is a target for plumbagin, a natural product with antimycobacterial activity

Apurba Sarkar, Shreya Ghosh, Rahul Shaw, Madhu Manti Patra, Fatema Calcuttawala, Noyonika Mukherjee, Sujoy K. Das Gupta

2020-02-25  //  PLOS ONE  //  Research Article

The burden of pre-extensively and extensively drug-resistant tuberculosis among MDR-TB patients in the Amhara region, Ethiopia

Agumas Shibabaw, Baye Gelaw, Wondwossen Gebreyes, Richard Robinson, Shu-Hua Wang, Belay Tessema

2020-02-25  //  PLOS ONE  //  Research Article

Immune responses to Mycobacterium tuberculosis membrane-associated antigens including alpha crystallin can potentially discriminate between latent infection and active tuberculosis disease

Shashi Kant Kumar, Suvrat Arya, Amita Aggarwal, Prerna Kapoor, Alok Nath, Ramnath Misra, Sudhir Sinha

2020-02-25  //  PLOS ONE  //  Research Article

Outcomes of a nine-month regimen for rifampicin-resistant tuberculosis up to 24 months after treatment completion in nine African countries

Valérie Schwœbel, Arnaud Trébucq, Zacharie Kashongwe, Alimata S. Bakayoko, Christopher Kuaban, Juergen Noeske, Souleymane H. Harouna, Mahamadou B. Souleymane, Alberto Piubello, François Ciza, Valentin Fikouma, Michel Gasana, Martial Ouedraogo, Martin Gninafon, Armand Van Deun, Elisa Tagliani, Daniela M. Cirillo, Kobto G. Koura, Hans L. Rieder

2020-02-25  //  E CLINICAL MEDICINE  //  Research Article

TbD1 deletion as a driver of the evolutionary success of modern epidemic Mycobacterium tuberculosis lineages

Daria Bottai, Wafa Frigui, Fadel Sayes, Mariagrazia Di Luca, Dalila Spadoni, Alexandre Pawlik, Marina Zoppo, Mickael Orgeur, Varun Khanna, David Hardy, Sophie Mangenot, Valerie Barbe, Claudine Medigue, Laurence Ma, Christiane Bouchier, Arianna Tavanti, Gerald Larrouy-Maumus & Roland Brosch

2020-02-25  //  NATURE COMMUNICATIONS   //  Research Article

Dynamics of within-host Mycobacterium tuberculosis diversity and heteroresistance during treatment

Camus Nimmo, Kayleen Brien, James Millard, Alison D Grant, Nesri Padayatchi, Alexander S Pym, Max O'Donnell, Richard A Goldstein, Judith Breuer, François Balloux

2020-02-25  //  MEDRXIV  //  Research Article

Previously undetected super-spreading of Mycobacterium tuberculosis revealed by deep sequencing

Robyn S Lee Is a corresponding author, Jean-François Proulx, Fiona McIntosh, Marcel A Behr, William P Hanage

2020-02-25  //  ELIFE  //  Research Article

Adoption and uptake of the lateral flow urine LAM test in countries with high tuberculosis and HIV/AIDS burden: current landscape and barriers

Diane N. Singhroy, Emily MacLean , Mikashmi Kohli, Erica Lessem, David Branigan, Kathleen England, Khairunisa Suleiman, Paul K. Drain, Morten Ruhwald, Samuel Schumacher, Claudia M. Denkinger, Brenda Waning, Wayne Van Gemert, Madhukar Pai

2020-02-25  //  GATES OPEN RESEARCH   //  Research Article

Review of tuberculosis treatment outcome reporting system in Denmark, a retrospective study cohort study from 2009 through 2014

Inge K. Holden, Peter H. Andersen, Christian Wejse, Troels Lillebaek & Isik S. Johansen

2020-02-25  //  BMC HEALTH SERVICES RESEARCH  //  Research Article

Identification of subclinical tuberculosis in household contacts using exposure scores and contact investigations

Gry Klouman Bekken, Christian Ritz, Sumithra Selvam, Nelson Jesuraj, Anneke C. Hesseling, T. Mark Doherty, Harleen M. S. Grewal, Mario Vaz & Synne Jenum

2020-02-25  //  BMC INFECTIOUS DISEASES   //  Research Article

T lymphocyte subpopulations and intestinal helminthes profile among tuberculosis patients co-infected with HIV before and after anti tubercular treatment at University of Gondar Hospital, Northwest Ethiopia

Tadelo Wondmagegn, Debasu Damtie, Meaza Genetu, Belete Biadgo, Mulualem Lemma & Markos Negash

2020-02-25  //  BMC INFECTIOUS DISEASES  //  Research Article

A landscape of genomic alterations at the root of a near-untreatable tuberculosis epidemic

Marisa Klopper, Tim Hermanus Heupink, Grant Hill-Cawthorne, Elizabeth Maria Streicher, Anzaan Dippenaar, Margaretha de Vos, Abdallah Musa Abdallah, Jason Limberis, Matthias Merker, Scott Burns, Stefan Niemann, Keertan Dheda, James Posey, Arnab Pain & Robin Mark Warren

2020-02-25  //  BMC MEDICINE   //  Research Article

What constitutes a neglected tropical disease?

Peter J. Hotez, Serap Aksoy, Paul J. Brindley, Shaden Kamhawi

2020-01-30  //  PLOS NEGLECTED TROPICAL DISEASES  //  Commentary

Diagnostic sensitivity of SILVAMP TB-LAM (FujiLAM) point-of-care urine assay for extra-pulmonary tuberculosis in people living with HIV

Andrew D. Kerkhoff, Bianca Sossen, Charlotte Schutz, Elena Ivanova Reipold, Andre Trollip, Emmanuel Moreau, Samuel G. Schumacher, Rosie Burton, Amy Ward, Mark P. Nicol, Graeme Meintjes, Claudia M. Denkinger, Tobias Broger

2020-02-25  //  EUROPEAN RESPIRATORY JOURNAL  //  Commentary

Treatment of Highly Drug-Resistant Pulmonary Tuberculosis

Francesca Conradi et al.

2020-03-05  //  The New England Journal of Medicine  // Article

Source: PLOS TB Channel

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By PLOS TB Channel

Published: March 1, 2020, 9:55 p.m.

Last updated: March 10, 2020, 2:14 a.m.

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