Items tagged with Vaccines

Gates Foundation, SA link to combat HIV, TB, malaria (post)

The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation has partnered with SA institutions to develop new medicines and vaccines for HIV, TB and malaria.

Global collaboration forms to advance Japanese TB vaccine technology (post)

January 27, 2014 – Osaka, Japan and Rockville, MD, USA - Japan’s National Institute of Biomedical Innovation(“NIBIO”), Aerasand Create Vaccine Company, Ltd(“CREATE”) announce today that they signed a collaboration agreementon December 26, 2013, on the preclinical and clinical development of new mucosal tuberculosis (TB) vaccines based on NIBIO’s human parainfluenza type-2 (rhPIV2) vector technology.

TB free breathing in the mines of South Africa: New TB vaccines could transform mining across the region (post)

In this guest post, Kari Stoever, vice president of External Affairs at Aeras, writes about how mine workers are disproportionately affected by tuberculosis (TB) and why there’s an urgent need for new tools against this deadly disease.

4th Global Forum on TB Vaccines (post)

The 4th Global Forum on TB Vaccines will be held in Shanghai, China from 21-24 April 2015. The 4th Global Forum marks the first time that this international gathering of the tuberculosis (TB) vaccine research community will be convened on the Asian continent.

Symposium at Fundación Areces: A new horizon for preventive vaccines against tuberculosis (post)

TBVI, together with Fundación Ramón Areces and the University of Zaragoza, will organise an international symposium on 7-8 May 2014 in Madrid. This symposium will provide a stage to world leaders in the field of new vaccines against TB, to present to the scientific community their efforts and the results of the latest research. Among them are many scientists of TBVI's research partners. This symposium is open to everyone interested in TB vaccine development.

Emergent BioSolutions to develop vaccines with Valneva's cell line (post)

Lyon (France), March 7, 2014 – European biotechnology company Valneva SE (Valneva) announced today that it has signed a new research license agreement and transferred an existing commercial agreement to Emergent BioSolutions Inc. (NYSE:EBS), to develop new vaccines using Valneva’s EB66® cell line.

Dartmouth and Aeras join forces to conduct study of new tuberculosis vaccine (post)

Hanover, NH and Rockville, MD, March 19, 2014 – Dartmouth’s Geisel School of Medicine and Aeras, a global nonprofit biotech, announced a collaboration to jointly conduct a trial of a new vaccine against tuberculosis (TB), one of the world’s deadliest diseases. The vaccine, known as DAR-901, is related to the vaccine SRL-172, previously shown by Dartmouth investigators to decrease the risk of TB in a trial known as the DarDar Trial.

Japanese fund awards $12 million to develop innovative tools for Chagas disease, schistosomiasis, parasitic roundworms and TB (post)

TOKYO, JAPAN (March 20, 2014)—The Global Health Innovative Technology Fund (GHIT Fund), a new public health partnership that is bringing Japanese know-how and investment to the global fight against infectious diseases, today announced three grants worth a total of US$6.8 million to speed the development of innovative drugs for some of the world’s most neglected diseases—schistosomiasis, Chagas disease and parasitic roundworms. GHIT also announced a second round of funding of US$5.65 million for a novel vaccine candidate for tuberculosis and unveiled a new investment program that will help researchers find the most promising new drug candidates to battle these and other infectious diseases.

Film highlights TB epidemic in China and China’s crucial role in eliminating TB worldwide (post)

March 21, 2014 – Beijing, China - A short documentary film exploring the tuberculosis (TB) epidemic in China has been launched by Aeras, a nonprofit biotech advancing tuberculosis vaccines for the world. “Hope: Developing Safe and Effective Vaccines to Fight TB” highlights China’s desire and innovative leadership in solving the global problem of TB. The film includes Chinese researchers who are leading the way in developing new vaccines to prevent tuberculosis. Featuring patients, doctors and top TB vaccine researchers, Hope illuminates China’s unique role in ending the global tuberculosis epidemic.

Analysis shows mixed results on big pharma R&D efforts for TB (post)

In time for World TB Day today (March 24), an analysis has been published of research and development being carried out for tuberculosis by the 20 largest pharmaceutical companies.

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