Items tagged with Research and development

Stop subsidizing Big Pharma (post)

WASHINGTON — ROBERT J. BEALL, the president and chief executive of the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation, called his recent decision to sell the royalty rights to his organization’s research a “game changer.” Indeed: Deals like this, in which an investment company paid the foundation $3.3 billion for its future royalties from several cystic fibrosis drugs it helped finance, could revolutionize the way medical research is funded. Rather than the staid model of government-funded institutions handing out grants to academic research facilities, a new breed of “venture philanthropies” like the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation could corral private investment into developing lifesaving drugs quickly and cheaply.

U.S. sequester took big bite out of global research and development spending (post)

When the outbreak of Ebola in West African spiraled out of control in the middle of 2014, health-care advocates pointed to it as a reason why countries like the United States need to engage in health globally. There are many other problems that affect more people than Ebola and that also pose a threat to Americans. It all comes at a time when the United States is making cuts to vital research and development supporting drugs and vaccines for neglected tropical diseases, say advocates.

ORCHID project aims to slash development time of tuberculosis drugs (post)

A collaborative project led by a scientist from UK pharma major GSK (LSE: GSK) has identified new compounds for the fight against TB.

24.6 million euros for TB vaccine R&D (post)

The TBVI consortium has been granted 24.6 million euros from the European Commission H2020 framework programme (€18.2 mln.) and several institutions as well as national governments outside the EC, among others Switzerland, South Korea and Australia. With this grant the new TBVAC2020 project will be funded, so TBVI can continue its efforts to discover and develop new tuberculosis vaccines.

WHO still finding its way on financing R&D for diseases affecting poor countries (post)

In search of sustainable innovation models for cures for diseases affecting primarily developing countries, with the Ebola epidemic as a new reminder of the necessity and urgency of the matter, the World Health Organization had tasked an expert working group with the search for solutions. Last week, the WHO Executive Board took note of the progress made so far.

Pharma offers view on how to slow antimicrobial resistance, boost research (post)

The threat of antimicrobial resistance is spreading and with it the urgency to find solutions to the matter. This week, the International Federation of Pharmaceutical Manufacturers & Associations (IFPMA) provided its recommendations on how to slow down antimicrobial resistance and boost antibiotic research and development. In addition, the association organised a forum on the subject today.

MSF video: Push, pull and pool: accelerating innovation and access for new treatment regimens for TB (post)

Current modes of research and development have failed to deliver new and better TB regimens to patients; as such, MSF and others are proposing a new way to conduct TB regimen research, in the form of the 3P project. The ‘3P Project’ aims to rapidly deliver affordable, effective new regimens for TB through an open collaborative approach to conducting drug development, using novel approaches to financing and coordinating R&D.

MSF and DNDi join call for a biomedical research and development fund and mechanism to meet pressing global health needs (post)

A group of renowned global health experts*, including from Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) and the Drugs for Neglected Diseases initiative (DNDi), are calling for the creation of a global health research and development (R&D) fund and mechanism to address deadly gaps in innovation for emerging infectious diseases such as Ebola, anti-microbial resistance, and a host of other diseases that have been neglected by the pharmaceutical market. The call comes at a time when these and other public health challenges are high on political agendas in the lead up to World Health Assembly next week and the G7 Summit in June.

WHO debates plan to fight antibiotic resistance (post)

World Health Organization members this week are debating a plan to address the global problem of increasing resistance to existing antibiotics and the lack of upcoming new treatments to replace them. Today, discussions on antimicrobial resistance went to informals to try to resolve outstanding issues.

WHO advances R&D financing effort; Global R&D Observatory to launch in January (post)

World Health Organization members in committee this week took note of a report by the Consultative Expert Working Group on Research and Development: Financing and Coordination (CEWG), which was set up to find ways to fund research on diseases afflicting poor populations which have little market incentive for the private sector. The report included a proposal for a voluntary pooled fund that would focus on the development of effective and affordable health technologies for such neglected diseases.

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