Items tagged with Research and development
WHO agrees plan for sustainable R&D for developing countries; TDR may host pooled fund (post)
World Health Organization members in committee today agreed on a plan taking forward efforts to find alternative financing for diseases predominantly afflicting poor populations. The draft decision was modified overnight to address concerns that the agreed path assess projects on their success in finding alternatives, allow coverage of all types of disease, and not exclude other possibilities in the future.
How to fix a broken market in antibiotics (post)
The drugs don't work - and neither does the market, when it comes to antibiotics.
UK APPG TB launches report into global health R&D (post)
Earlier this week the All-Party Parliamentary Group (APPG) on Global Tuberculosis (TB) launched its 2014 report: "Dying for a Cure - Research and Development for Global Health" with a debate in Westminster Hall.
Global medical students call for shift to health over trade, R&D (post)
Universities Allied for Essential Medicines is calling for new incentive models for research and development so that new treatments can be found for neglected tropical diseases to fight antibiotic resistance, and is asking that health issues supersede trade interests.
No treatment Ebola, high prices for hepatitis C drugs: Time to change the pharmaceutical research system (post)
The high state of anxiety about the Ebola virus and its possible spread throughout Africa has caused fear in the world. Effective vaccines and medicines to prevent and treat Ebola do not yet exist. There are too few cases to make it profitable for pharmaceutical companies to invest in research and development (R&D), and at the end of the day those who are at risk are too poor to pay high prices.
At WTO, experts discuss solutions to drugs innovation crisis; IP not in the list (post)
The Universities Allied for Essential Medicines (UAEM) organised a panel at the World Trade Organization Public Forum this week on new approaches in university management of intellectual property. The panel gathered a diverse panel of experts giving their take on possible solutions to less innovation and higher prices of drugs, and the role of publicly-funded research.
Present tuberculosis research model broken, failing patients: expert (post)
MOSCOW, October 19 (RIA Novosti) - Colleen Daniels, Director for TB and HIV at the US-based NGO Treatment Action Group, says that stagnating investment into the treatment of tuberculosis has resulted in a great deal of unnecessary suffering, and could lead to a serious epidemic in the future.
TB research: Why should everyone be worried (post)
October 22, 2014 - Geneva/New York - More than a million and a half people die from tuberculosis every year. One third of the world’s population is infected with TB and of those, 10% will develop active TB during their lifetime. TB is airborne and we are all at risk. In spite of these facts, we are fighting TB with archaic tools - we use the same vaccine and drugs that our grandparents did. But there are not enough investments in TB research, to make treatment accessible, drugs cheaper, regimens shorter and diagnostics more accurate.
A two-part series on pharmaceutical companies (post)
Read a two-part series on pharmaceutical companies by Richard Anderson, Business reporter, BBC News:
New R&D models needed to tackle drug-resistant TB (post)
Tuberculosis has killed more people than any other infectious disease in human history, yet before 2013 no new drugs to treat the illness had been developed for more than 40 years.
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