Items tagged with Public health
Lebanon: Foreign workers must take yearly tuberculosis tests (post)
BEIRUT: Foreign workers will now be subject to annual health tests due to the high prevalence of tuberculosis among migrant workers and Syrian refugees, said a memo issued by Labor Minister Sejaan Azzi Monday.
Ukraine: health workers fear for their safety (post)
Armed separatists in Ukraine are disrupting health-care services and threatening health professionals, forcing some medical staff to leave their jobs. Ed Holt reports.
No treatment Ebola, high prices for hepatitis C drugs: Time to change the pharmaceutical research system (post)
The high state of anxiety about the Ebola virus and its possible spread throughout Africa has caused fear in the world. Effective vaccines and medicines to prevent and treat Ebola do not yet exist. There are too few cases to make it profitable for pharmaceutical companies to invest in research and development (R&D), and at the end of the day those who are at risk are too poor to pay high prices.
September 2014 issue of PHA now online (post)
Public Health Action is The Union's free access, online journal. The journal aims to promote the vision of The Union, Health solutions for the poor, by disseminating new knowledge on health systems and health services for vulnerable groups, with a priority on tuberculosis, lung health, non-communicable diseases and related public health issues.
Brook Baker: The dangers of the Indian government’s flirtation with U.S. pharma and the risks for India’s coherent, pro-public health IP policy (post)
India’s new Prime Minister, Narendra Modi and his delegation, who have been visiting the U.S. for the first time, have spent considerable time and energy in courting U.S. business interests. On Monday, September 29, the Indian PM met with 17 chief executives of major U.S. companies in joint and individual meetings1 and on September 30 he met with the U.S.-India Business Council comprising over 300 top U.S. companies.2 Prime Minister Modi is promising to open India to more direct foreign investment and to further liberalize the Indian economy to make it easier for multinational corporations to operate there. To the dismay of health activists worldwide, the US administration appears to have successfully used the Indian PM’s visit to maneuver the Indian government into committing to a joint mechanism on intellectual property. The benign sounding “High Level Intellectual Property (IP) Working Group” is designed to pressure India into changing its interpretation and application of health safeguards in India’s intellectual property policy, ultimately undermining India’s role as the pharmacy for the poor.
European Antibiotic Awareness Day 2014 (post)
The European Medicines Agency (EMA) supports European Antibiotic Awareness Day (EAAD), which is taking place on Tuesday 18 November. EAAD is organised every year by the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC). It aims to raise awareness of the threat to public and animal health of antimicrobial resistance and the importance of prudent use of antibiotics.
December 2014 issue of PHA and Supplement now online (post)
Public Health Action is The Union's free access, online journal. The journal aims to promote the vision of The Union, Health solutions for the poor, by disseminating new knowledge on health systems and health services for vulnerable groups, with a priority on tuberculosis, lung health, non-communicable diseases and related public health issues.
Expensive medicines: ensuring objective appraisal and equitable access (post)
In managing access to new drugs, simply continuing to react country-by-country and disease-by-disease is not sustainable. We need to be more forward-thinking and take some of the pressure off small purchasers and countries that are currently trying to make equitable decisions in isolation. We need to solve the fundamental problem of how to balance objectivity of appraisal and equity in access to new products; ensuring that medical advances are affordable, working with a viable pharmaceutical industry that responds to public health needs.
At high profile India US CEO meeting, President Obama calls for tougher intellectual property protection despite deadly impact on public health (post)
Press Statement: For Immediate Release: January 27 2015
Contact: Matthew Kavanagh, +1 202-486-2488,
Asia Russell, +1 267 475 2645,
EU report provides basis for effective fight against development of resistant bacteria (post)
The use of certain antimicrobials in animals and humans is associated with resistance to these antimicrobials in bacteria from animals and humans. There are also important differences in the consumption of antimicrobials in animals and in humans between European countries. These are some of the findings of the first integrated analysis of data from humans, animals and food in Europe published jointly by the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC), the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) and the European Medicines Agency (EMA).
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