The Union SEAR Conference to be held in Dhaka on 9–12 March 2014

International Union Against Tuberculosis and Lung Disease
Feb. 26, 2014, 3:34 p.m.

The 2nd Conference of The Union South-East Asia Region will take place in Dhaka, Bangladesh on 9–12 March 2013. The theme of the conference is “TB in 2050: Challenge to Humanity”. An attractive and diverse conference has been designed by the organising committee. The conference will feature sessions devoted to newly emerging topics such as drug resistance/MDR-TB treatment management, TB in children and LTBI treatment, TB and non-communicable disease/co-morbidities (non-HIV), diabetes and TB, TB nursing and allied professionals, community participation in lung health, the Framework Convention on Tobacco Control, MPOWER and tobacco control policies, advocacy, human rights and ethics.

Online registration is now open – visit the conference website for further information and to register:

The Union South-East Asia Regional Conference is proudly supported by The Union constituent member, National Anti TB Association of Bangladesh (NATAB).

Source: The Union