TAG policy brief: TB Research Investments Provide Returns in Combating Both TB and COVID-19

Treatment Action Group
Sept. 8, 2020, 2:11 p.m.
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Sustained and expanded financing is needed to safeguard TB research against COVID-19–related disruptions and improve global epidemic preparedness.

As the COVID-19 pandemic continues to radically shift the global health landscape and alter government/donor commitments, Treatment Action Group (TAG) has released a policy brief to explore the impact of COVID-19 on TB research and development (R&D), and how tools, concepts, capacity, and infrastructure established through years of public and donor investments in TB R&D have informed and jump-started COVID-19 research and responses.

Aimed at both global and U.S. legislators, policymakers, advocates, and civil society, this brief makes an argument for increasing investments in TB R&D to ensure that critical TB research activities—including those expected to yield cross-disease benefits—continue to progress during the COVID-19 pandemic. United Nations members states made commitments to give their fair share of funding to TB research at the 2018 UN High-Level Meeting on TB and these commitments must be met—in order to end TB and respond to COVID-19.

To download the policy brief, click here.

Source: Treatment Action Group