Key Asks from TB Stakeholders for the UN High-Level Meeting on TB - available now in French, Spanish, Russian and Portuguese
The Key Asks outline the top priorities the TB community is requesting member states to include in the Political Declaration which is expected to be endorsed by Heads of State during the UN High-Level Meeting on TB in September.
The Stop TB Partnership launched the ‘Key Asks from TB Stakeholders for the UN High-Level Meeting on TB’ ahead of the UN Multi-stakeholder Hearing on TB, held on 8 May 2023. The Key Asks have been developed through extensive engagement with TB survivors, people affected by TB, communities and civil society, and other TB stakeholders, including UN agencies, high-burden TB countries, donors, the private sector, and through online consultations.
The Key Asks outline the top priorities the TB community is requesting member states to include in the Political Declaration which is expected to be endorsed by Heads of State during the UN High-Level Meeting on TB in September.